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Conditions for Publication


 1. General requirements

 All manuscripts have to be submitted both in English and in original language and have to meet the formatting requirements given below.

  1. Length: Manuscripts have to be minimum 5 and maximum 10 pages long (14.400 symbols), including title, abstract, figures, tables, diagrams, and list of references. The publication of any manuscript over 10 pages long is to be negotiated with the publisher.

  2. Software: All manuscripts have to be written in DOC format using Microsoft Office Word 2003/2010 for Windows or a compatible version of Word.

  3. The manuscript has to be sent in a file named after the corresponding author in English (name), for example Getman.doc

  4. All manuscripts together with information about the author (full name, organization, position, address, academic degree, academic status, contact telephone numbers, e-mail) have to be sent by email to the following address

  5. REVIEWING PROCEDURE: every scientific article is peer-reviewed according to the double blind review model by at least two independent reviewers. Reviews made are provided in written form through e-mail message and contain explicit conclusion regarding acceptance/rejection of the article for publication. Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions about accepting or rejecting articles.

  6. ETHICAL STANDARDS: every author should submit a declaration that his scientific article is authentic (own work); materials drawn from other sources have been acknowledged according to unit-specific requirements for referencing; contributions of individual coauthors in the preparation of the article have been properly identified; no conflict of interests exists.


2. Page format

 Please set the menus of your word processing program as follows (all instructions below refer to working with Word 2003/2010 for Windows): 

  1. Page Setup:
    Margins: Top: 2,5 cm; Bottom: 2,5 cm; Left: 2,5 cm; Right: 2,5 cm

  2. Paper Size: A4

  3. Format:
    Font: Times New Roman; Font Style: Regular; Size: 14
    Paragraph: Line Spacing All: 1,5; Alignment: Justified
    All other options are set to 0

  4. Indent of paragraphs is 1,5

  5. Do not insert page numbers


3. Title, authors, affiliation, abstract and key words 

  1. All manuscripts should include the JEL classification codes (, aligned left, Bold capital letters, Times New Roman 14.

  2. The title of the manuscript is centered and typed after a blank line with bold capital letters using Times New Roman 14.

  3. The author’s name is written with Bold initial capital letters and subsequent small letters using Times New Roman 14 below the title after a blank line.

  4. The names of the organizations and countries the authors represent are given in the next line using italics. Scientific ranks and titles are not included.

  5. The author’s email is given in the next line.

  6. The Abstract of the manuscript in English (up to 20 lines long) is given one blank line after the email, following the general requirements for the text and using italics. The Keywords are written after a blank line, following the general requirements for the text and using italics.


4. Body text 

  1. The body text begins after a blank line from the key words with Introduction (Times New Roman 14) and ends in Summary and Concluding Remarks (Times New Roman 14).

  2. Headings in the text are written with Bold capital letters using Times New Roman 14 after a blank line, aligned centered. They are not numbered.

  3. Subheadings have a Bold initial capital letter and subsequent small bold letters using Times New Roman 14. They use uni-level numbering with Arabic numerals, such as 1.; 2.; 3. etc.


For more information as to formatting manuscripts and references, in-text citations, footnotes, end-notes and source lines please visit website (



The views expressed in the Scientific Journal "Association 1901 SEPIKE" are those of individual contributors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board, the Association 1901 SEPIKE or their members or its partnership, or the publishers. Editorial Board reserves the right to edit articles to ensure their conformity with the journal’s editorial policy and style.


License for publishing – "Journal officielle de la Republique de France" from 2012-10-27, No. 43, Récépissé de Déclaration W863005127 from 2012-08-12 , Association 1901 SEPIKE.


ISSN 2196-9531 (Print)

ISSN 2372-7438 (Online)

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